Explore our pelvic floor therapy services for women

We offer a broad range of pelvic floor therapy services in Houston, TX  through in-home and concierge physical therapy. Learn more about how pelvic floor therapy can ease pregnancy and postpartum pain, improve bowel and pelvic dysfunction and serve as a key incontinence treatment.

Our services

pregnancy physical therapy services in Houston TX

Pregnancy Physical Therapy

Pregnancy physical therapy begins with a detailed evaluation to establish a program for a healthy and active pregnancy, reducing discomfort, improving outcomes of your labor and delivery and decreasing the risk of diastasis, tearing and pelvic dysfunction. 

high level fitness physical therapy in Houston TX

High-Level Fitness Physical Therapy

Whether you are training to return to the elliptical, a marathon, or cross fit, our specialized treatment plans of physical therapy for athletes focus on returning to your specific function and meeting your personal fitness and health goals.  

postpartum physical therapy in Houston, TX

Postpartum Physical Therapy

Postpartum physical therapy includes a full body evaluation and treatment with a goal of healing your body following pregnancy, whether this is 6 weeks, 6 years, or beyond! Issues treated include: pelvic care, diastasis recti, and breastfeeding body mechanics. 

diastasis recti repair physical therapy

Diastasis Recti Repair

With pregnancy there is heavy load and prolonged stretch that can cause the abdominal muscle wall to stretch, and sometimes even tear. This leaves women with a “continued pregnant look” postpartum, called diastasis recti. Diastasis recti repair is not black and white, and diastasis recti physical therapy is no different.

Incontinence Therapy

Diagnosis involving the urinary system include: urinary incontinence, urinary hesitancy, difficulty urinating, overactive bladder, and urinary urgency/frequency. Incontinence treatment can also help with conditions affecting the bowels, including: constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fecal incontinence and fecal urgency. 

Pelvic Pain Treatment

Some of the painful conditions we treat with pelvic floor physical therapy are: fascial adhesions, post-surgical scar tissue in the pelvic floor, low back, and abdomen, vaginismus, painful intercourse, pudendal neuralgia, vulvodynia, painful periods, endometriosis, rectal pain, coccyx (tailbone) pain, and interstitial cystitis.

“I was challenged, built strength and she helped me create a mental space for healing and moving toward a stronger future.”


Do you have questions about pelvic floor physical therapy for women?

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